May 18, 2005

The Madness Of M.P. George

Yesterday, British M.P. George Galloway was over from the wrong side of the pond to testify before a Senate sub-committee on the Oil-for-Food program. Yeah, that George Galloway, the blustery, "r"-rolling friend to fascists who once told his pal Saddam Hussein that he saluted his courage, his indefatigability, the part in his hair and the down-home goodness of his light, buttery muffins.

The senators were typically clueless, allowing Galloway to take control of the proceedings in order to strut, preen and pirouette around like a demented peacock. When the sanctimonious Scot wasn't wagging his finger at the Bush administration, he was playing the role of drama queen to the hilt. "I am not now, nor have I ever been an oil trader," the victim of modern day McCarthyism intones solemnly. "You have nothing on me, Senator," proclaims the Michael Corleone of the new millenium. I had to remind myself that Galloway was indeed testifying in Washington and not auditioning for a role in a 1930s Warner Bros. gangster film.

The video will automatically download from this link. Galloway's testimony starts at around 1:51:00.

(link via Harry's Place).

Posted by benweasel at 01:11 PM