August 07, 2006

Old-School Shaving

Inspired by a desire to save money on Mach 3 cartridges, as well as by this and this (both by the same writer), I decided a couple of months ago to swap the plastic razor for one of these. Along with one of these and some of this (or this or this, depending on my mood) I set about my task.

The first day I got a great shave. On my cheeks. The moustache and chin areas didn't fare so well. I didn't get too close a shave and I gave myself a small colony of nicks; my neck was chopped up something fierce. By the end of the first week I was getting closer on the chin, but the moustache area was still left ragged, so I unconsciously pressed down on the against-the-grain pass (never press down with a safety razor) which only shredded my upper lip. My neck, at least, was only getting ripped up every other day.

Two months in, I've learned more about my face than I'd ever wanted to. After a couple of weeks spent shaving the moustache area with the Mach 3, I went back to the Merkur and discovered that I'd found a lighter touch that left the skin smooth without any razor burn or nicks. No problems there. I've also learned that I simply can't shave against the grain on my neck, pressure or not, without drawing blood.

Here's how it works: The first pass, with the grain, doesn't do a whole lot. It really just cuts the hairs down a little. Rinse off, apply more cream and then start shaving up against the grain (except on the neck) and it's a whole 'nother ballgame. The shave is so close you can't believe you're not bleeding. For good measure, I rinse and lather up once more and shave horizontally to get that pesky stubble in the tough areas like the jawline, chin and upper neck.

It sounds time-consuming and it is, at first. But two months in I know how to handle the razor and I know the contours of my face well enough that it's taking a little under fifteen minutes. I'm getting closer shaves than I ever imagined possible and I'm only spending a little more time shaving than I did in the old days.

It's all very metrosexual I suppose, but the dough I spent on the razor, brush and creams will ultimately be nothing compared to the coin I would've dropped on Mach 3 cartridges. Plus, I just feel better all day walking around with a close shave. On top of everything else I enjoy shaving now so I'm shaving every day rather than three times a week, which makes my wife very happy. Also, I feel tough, like John Wayne or James Coburn or Charles Bronson.

You can't put a price on that.

UPDATE: Having just come in from my morning run I feel obliged to mention that the post-run shave is the best shave possible. You don't even have to use hot water for the first pass - just slap the shave cream right on your sweaty face and let 'er rip.

Posted by benweasel at 09:46 AM

I never imagined anyone could put so much thought in to shaving...

Posted by: Luke at August 7, 2006 10:25 AM

I use an electric shaver... they´re actually pretty good. Plastic ones are better though, they give you a much closer shave.

Posted by: G2 at August 7, 2006 11:15 AM

You're a brave man Ben! I hack my face no matter what I use!

Posted by: Chris at August 7, 2006 11:22 AM

I don't know, Ben. I was kind of fond of the beard.

Posted by: resident jason at August 7, 2006 11:50 AM

I think you just saved my life. Thank you.

Posted by: Don at August 7, 2006 12:33 PM

Dude...Get a Cut Throat Razor. Only way to go.


Posted by: simon at August 7, 2006 12:38 PM

I think that If everyone stopped shaving, then the whole world would'nt have to shave and worry about shaving. FUCK SHAVING

Posted by: Bobby at August 7, 2006 01:58 PM

I've been using a razor, brush, and mug for a few years now. It does take some getting used too, but its really nice after some practice. It's also a hell of a lot cheaper.

Posted by: John at August 7, 2006 03:05 PM

it is?

Posted by: G2 at August 7, 2006 03:53 PM

Just be sure you don't get too carried away with the various other creams and brushes available. I have a lot of friends that got into classic shaving thinking they'd be saving money and have ended up spending hundreds more on different accessories.

I keep meaning to give it a shot, but I'm usually running late enough for work every morning as it is.

Posted by: Joe at August 7, 2006 04:21 PM

Posted by: Sam at August 7, 2006 04:37 PM

I am lazy enough. I just buy a thingy of Mach3s and make them last 6 months.

Posted by: Adam Shame at August 7, 2006 07:52 PM

I have one just like Ben's, but have always been too afraid to use it, as mine is old and rusty and seriously looks like it could tear my face off. Also, I wouldn't know where to find replacement blades.

The closest shave I've ever gotten came from one of those old-time "throat-cutting" razors. A friend and I both decided to start using them regularly. The problem with those razors is they eventually get dull and you can’t just replace the blades; they need sharpening.

Posted by: Red Eyed Demon Bunny at August 7, 2006 10:22 PM

I generally just buy "generic" Mach 3's, and they tend to work for me pretty well... Atleast, better than their name brand counter-parts that is.

However, I too have had to learn the art of the shave, rinse, shave, and rinse again routine in order to obtain that desired smoothness featured in so many Men's Health magazines...

To sum it up, shaving is time consuming, expensive, and it sucks... Grizzley Adams is my current idol of envy... Dude has it made.

Posted by: Heath Dobbler at August 8, 2006 12:48 AM

As Tom Robbins wrote in his lyrically silly, brilliant fifth novel, Skinny Legs and All- “Of the seven dwarves, only Dopey had a shaven face. This should tell us something about the custom of shaving.”
It’s a heinously tedious, absurdly painful ritual that we go through. And more power to anyone who can manage to clip their whiskers without resorting to the plastic razor’s of a hygiene cartel that dares to charge 24$ per measly pack of 12 cartridges. And without so much as a comforting reach-a-round after swiping my debit card and leaving Kroger without any paper towels.

In these situations I just have to suck it up manage a compromise between the metro-sexy smoothness of Ben’s kitschy shaving methods or the inherent jockishness of electric razors or axe body spray… Usually though, I find myself usuing whatever means is available; whether it be my girlfriend’s hairiest Gillette leg razor or grandpa’s rusty old straight razor. One thing is certain, I must shave however, because after all, who could stand to look like such a dirty old hippie as Tom Robbins usually does.

Posted by: Goose at August 8, 2006 02:39 AM