March 17, 2009

Live Like You Mean It

That's the new slogan for Wisconsin.

The logo looks like something you'd find in a Power Point presentation put together by a motivational speaker at a corporate retreat. Is that red idiot doing a handstand or did the designer try to catch him mid-cartwheel? In any case, people from Wisconsin don't do handstands and cartwheels. We pound beers, hunt, fish, and drink from bubblers. Stop trying to make us something we're not.

"Live like you mean it" is a vapid phrase used by people writing self-help books and ads aimed at snowboarders. I have no idea what it has to do with Wisconsin. People in Wisconsin don't really live like they mean it. They live like everybody else everywhere else. I don't even know what it means to live like you mean it. Are you supposed to pretend to give a crap? I moved to Wisconsin so I could stop pretending to give a crap. I've grown several beards and have even started wearing shorts outside occasionally in the summer. I don't need my own state taking my money to pay some lousy graphic designer to tell me I should be acting peppy when I just want to be left alone with my fishing pole and my beer. Fuck off, Doyle.

Via Dane 101

Posted by benweasel at 01:08 PM