October 24, 2008


If you ever need to copyright anything with the U.S. Copyright Office, be prepared to enter another century. You can't register titles online if you use a Mac. That's got to be one of three things in the world I can't do online without a PC. I'm convinced they must be using Geocities to host their site. So what do you do? Why, download and fill out form CO, which has, of course, replaced forms PA, SR and TX, among others. Presumably because it's easier. Except when you open the pdf and click on the button that directs you to click it if you need more space to register additional titles, nothing happens. The Copyright Office snatches the football away once again and Charlie Brown lands on his can. And to add insult to injury, they're now charging 45 bucks a pop. Not that the old days were any better. As soon as you figured out the mysterious, intricate workings of, say, form SR, you'd be informed by a helpful employee that you'd screwed it all up. Ah ha, you'd think to yourself, once the mess had been cleared up (which literally took about a year or two), now I get it! It's smooth sailing from here on in! Which it was, until, of course, a different employee came along to tell you that the last employee was wrong and you needed to go back to doing it the old way. And on top of everything else, they're now acknowledging an eight month wait until your claim has been registered.

Anyway, there's my afternoon.

Posted by benweasel at 04:25 PM